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About the Digital Archives

Welcome to the HKU COVID-19 Digital Archives, a one-stop gateway for discovering digitized materials related to the COVID-19 pandemic from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) communities. Developed by HKU University Libraries, this Digital Archives consists of the university’s contributions to research, learning, and public services in the fight against COVID-19.

During these unprecedented times, HKU has channeled its efforts and resources into combating the pandemic through various means. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive Digital Archives that enables the general public to understand the significant contributions made by HKU during the COVID-19 crisis. By showcasing these resources, we aim to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, foster collaborations, and ultimately, contribute to the global effort to overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic.

The HKU COVID-19 Digital Archives is based on data obtained from the HKU community, as well as reliable online sources. Our collection includes research articles, news, multimedia content, and other resources created by HKU communities in response to the pandemic. We are dedicated to continually expanding and updating the repository to ensure that it remains a valuable and up-to-date resource for the public.

As an institution that values knowledge and innovation, we believe that providing open access to the wealth of information and resources generated during these trying times is crucial in fostering a collaborative and informed response to the pandemic. We invite you to explore the HKU COVID-19 Digital Archives, and we hope that you find it a useful and enlightening resource in your quest for knowledge about this global crisis.


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